Equipage of TB dispensaries in Samara region
In December 2015 company "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii” finished the project of hospital facilities in Samara Regional Clinical TB dispensary named after NV Postnikov, Togliatti TB Dispensary and Syzranj TB Dispensary with modern X-ray equipment within the state program "Health development in Samara region." The project included the supply and commissioning of 4 X-ray complexes «Moviplan» manufactured by «Villa Sistemi Medicali», as well as 8 Computed Radiography systems «KONICA MINOLTA», including the supply of IntelliSpacePACS DCX system by Philips Medical Systems. In total, 8 hospitals have been equipped.X-ray diagnostic complexes «Moviplan» («Villa Sistemi Medicali») appeared in three offices of Samara Regional Clinical TB dispensary named after NV Postnikov in Samara region (Samara, Novokuybyshevsk, Otradny) and Togliatti TB Dispensary. The complexes were put into operation together with digital radiography systems «Regius Sigma 2» manufactured by «Konica Minolta». This equipment allows to get X-rays digitally and transfer the research results into a single system for receiving and storage of PACS medical diagnostic information. PACS system made by company «Philips» is the first of its kind in Russian Federation. It was launched by the efforts of "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii" and implemented in Samara TB dispensary at the end of 2015.
Computed Radiography System «Regius Sigma 2», which were implemented in 8 hospitals, produce X-ray images in digital form, and display them on the screen monitor of laboratory assistant and radiologist workstations, which greatly optimizes the performance of professionals and takes the X-ray examinations to the next level. The system includes laser multi-format camera «DRYPRO SIGMA», which has replaced the outdated processing machines and allows printing of X-ray images with one click from the workstations of laboratory assistant and radiologist.
Implementation of modern medical diagnostic equipment in Samara, Togliatti and Syzran TB dispensaries makes possible delivering of health care to Samara region people on a new level.