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June 23, 2017 Cooperation with all- Russian public organization "Red Cross"
“Sovremennye medicinskie technologii”, as a socially oriented business, for the second year has been supporting the regional branch of All-Russian public organization «Red Cross»,
providing nurses with modern blood pressure monitors and other medical supplies to help veterans and single people with serious illnesses.
June 16, 2017 Congratulations on the Day of Medical Worker!
The company "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii" and International Medical Center "Heart Clinic" congratulate with a professional holiday all those who chose human healthcare as meaning of their life!
June 13, 2017 Anna Makovsky took part in a round table conference for the personnel issues in medicine
In the press center of "Samara Newspaper" a round table was held, dedicated to the discussion of the issues of medical institutions staffing in the Samara region.
June 9, 2017 Actual diagnostic equipment is available to specialists of the largest city hospital in Togliatti
Actual diagnostic equipment is now available for the specialists of the largest city hospital in Togliatti -  high-accuracy ultrasound systems.
May 30, 2017 The meeting of the Governor Nikolai Merkushkina with Sergei Shatilo and Gleb Mikhailik
May 30, 2017 a working meeting was held between the Samara region governor Nikolai Merkushkin, the director of the company “Sovremennye medicinskie technologii” Sergei Shatilo, the initiator and investor of International Medical Center “Heart Clinic”, and Gleb Mikhailik - the general director of the clinic “AVA-PETER” (St. Petersburg) and the Russian-Finnish clinic “Scandinavia”.
All news


August 15, 2016

Delivery of X-ray diagnostic equipment by Villa Sisitemi Medicali in Public Health Facility Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after Seredavina

Last week "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii” carried out the delivery of three X-ray diagnostic units produced by the Italian company “Villa Sisitemi Medicali” in Public Health Facility - Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after Seredavina. The X-ray equipment has been delivered to the facility under the state program of the Samara region "Preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup". In particular, the hospital will have 2 X-ray complexes Vision, and X-ray complex Apollo with digital flat panel detector.

Currently, the X-ray research methods are widely used in medicine for the diagnostics of various diseases. Apollo is a modern remote-controlled tilting table specifically designed for large flow of patients. In the face of of increased requirements to visualization results in a loaded Radio Diagnostics Department Apollo demonstrates high efficiency and performance. It is worth noting that while the creating the unit a special attention was paid to reducing the radiation dose to the patient, which is provided by a plurality of technological solutions. X-ray complex Vision is a highly-productive classic roll-over tilting table. The main field of application is the study of gastro-intestinal tract with contrast in a fluoroscope mode.

At the moment the hospital is preparing the space to accommodate the equipment. The rooms reserved for installation of the high-tech medical equipment have special requirements not only from the producer of equipment, but also the sanitary standards of the Russian Federation must be taken into consideration. Specialists of "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii” service department will start the process if installation as soon as the health facility will be ready.

Villa Sisitemi Medicali is a world leader in the production of X-ray equipment, with the 50 years history of innovation. The equipment has an excellent reputation of highly reliable technology and allows performing the research with high diagnostic quality. "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii” is the authorized dealer of Villa Sistemi Medicali in Russia.