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June 23, 2017 Cooperation with all- Russian public organization "Red Cross"
“Sovremennye medicinskie technologii”, as a socially oriented business, for the second year has been supporting the regional branch of All-Russian public organization «Red Cross»,
providing nurses with modern blood pressure monitors and other medical supplies to help veterans and single people with serious illnesses.
June 16, 2017 Congratulations on the Day of Medical Worker!
The company "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii" and International Medical Center "Heart Clinic" congratulate with a professional holiday all those who chose human healthcare as meaning of their life!
June 13, 2017 Anna Makovsky took part in a round table conference for the personnel issues in medicine
In the press center of "Samara Newspaper" a round table was held, dedicated to the discussion of the issues of medical institutions staffing in the Samara region.
June 9, 2017 Actual diagnostic equipment is available to specialists of the largest city hospital in Togliatti
Actual diagnostic equipment is now available for the specialists of the largest city hospital in Togliatti -  high-accuracy ultrasound systems.
May 30, 2017 The meeting of the Governor Nikolai Merkushkina with Sergei Shatilo and Gleb Mikhailik
May 30, 2017 a working meeting was held between the Samara region governor Nikolai Merkushkin, the director of the company “Sovremennye medicinskie technologii” Sergei Shatilo, the initiator and investor of International Medical Center “Heart Clinic”, and Gleb Mikhailik - the general director of the clinic “AVA-PETER” (St. Petersburg) and the Russian-Finnish clinic “Scandinavia”.
All news


August 4, 2016

IMC "Heart Clinic" establishes cooperation with the leading clinics of Europe

International Medical Center "Heart Clinic" continues to adopt practice of the leading European clinics: recently the leaders of the future hospital paid a working visit to the largest medical centers of Krakow (Poland) - Hospital named after John Paul II and the University Hospital. The main purpose of this trip was to study the processes of healthcare service in the leading clinics of Europe, as well as the further use of their experience in "Heart Clinic", including the treatment of acute coronary syndrome.

Hospital named after John Paul II has 19 branches with the capacity of 550 beds in its structure. The hospital complex is a medical campus of 17 buildings, spread on an area of 10 hectares. In 1981 cardiovascular clinic was opened here, and from 1993 to 1998 a modern building of cardiac surgery department was built and put into operation.

As part of the studing the activity and organization of the hospital processes it is particularly notable that "Heart Clinic," after getting the planned project capacity, will be comparable with the Hospital named after John Paul II with its structure and the volume. And the Malopolska province, which is servered by the Hospital, is proportional to the territory of the Samara region in terms of population.

The University Hospital in Krakow, being the leading diversified medical centers in Poland, currently consists of 31 branches with a total bed capacity of about 1,600. The story of the hospital begins in 1788. The combination of experience and traditions with the latest medical trends for improving the patient's health and quality of life - this is the mission of the University Hospital in Krakow. The same purpose sets the International Medical Center "Heart Clinic". The University Hospital is the largest training center for the health workers.

Within the framework of the working visit the cooperation agreements of "Heart Clinic " with the medical institutions in Krakow were reached. Thus, in December of 2016, the doctors of the future Samara medical facility will visit the X-ray surgery congress , which will take place at the University Hospital, and in 2017 there will be the internship, planned for the medical staff of «Heart Clinic».

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#1: CAgent::ExecuteAgents(string)
#2: CAgent::CheckAgents()
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#5: Bitrix\Main\Application->terminate(integer)
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