providing nurses with modern blood pressure monitors and other medical supplies to help veterans and single people with serious illnesses.
Medical station of compressed air and central vacuum station for IMC "Heart Clinic" have already been delivered to Samara.
On the construction site of International Medical Center " Heart Clinic " a new batch of engineering equipment was delivered - installation works for medical station of compressed air and central vacuum station will start in the near future. For life support of the future hospital the most advanced techniques of integrated centralized medical engineering systems are used. As the majority of hospitals around the world, "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii" entrusted this project to the compаny «Atlas Copco».
The central station of medical compressed air MA 1210-DG is designed for the production and supply of centralized hospital medical compressed air. It is used for anesthesia and respiratory equipment, active removal system anesthetics, aspirators with ejector principle of action, as well as pneumatic surgical instrument. The work of the station is fully automated and secures the high-speed flows.
The central vacuum station mVAC-1500-Q creates the necessary negative pressure in the vacuum line and is intended to operate such type of equipment as surgical and bronchial aspirators as well as devices of ongoing drainage.
The installation of engineering equipment will be completed in July of 2016. The construction of International Medical Center "Heart Clinic" is in the final stage. Built in the framework of public-private partnership, the future hospital will become the center of innovative medicine in the sphere of cardiac care provision and will provide more than 11.5 thousand surgical procedures per year.