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June 23, 2017 Cooperation with all- Russian public organization "Red Cross"
“Sovremennye medicinskie technologii”, as a socially oriented business, for the second year has been supporting the regional branch of All-Russian public organization «Red Cross»,
providing nurses with modern blood pressure monitors and other medical supplies to help veterans and single people with serious illnesses.
June 16, 2017 Congratulations on the Day of Medical Worker!
The company "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii" and International Medical Center "Heart Clinic" congratulate with a professional holiday all those who chose human healthcare as meaning of their life!
June 13, 2017 Anna Makovsky took part in a round table conference for the personnel issues in medicine
In the press center of "Samara Newspaper" a round table was held, dedicated to the discussion of the issues of medical institutions staffing in the Samara region.
June 9, 2017 Actual diagnostic equipment is available to specialists of the largest city hospital in Togliatti
Actual diagnostic equipment is now available for the specialists of the largest city hospital in Togliatti -  high-accuracy ultrasound systems.
May 30, 2017 The meeting of the Governor Nikolai Merkushkina with Sergei Shatilo and Gleb Mikhailik
May 30, 2017 a working meeting was held between the Samara region governor Nikolai Merkushkin, the director of the company “Sovremennye medicinskie technologii” Sergei Shatilo, the initiator and investor of International Medical Center “Heart Clinic”, and Gleb Mikhailik - the general director of the clinic “AVA-PETER” (St. Petersburg) and the Russian-Finnish clinic “Scandinavia”.
All news


May 21, 2015

Sergei Shatilo: "We will use European technology"

On the 21st of May a business meeting was held at the construction place of the new "Cardiac Surgery Center" which was attended by the governor of the Samara Region Nikolay Merkushin, Minister of Health Gennadiy Gridasov, director of the company investor Sergey Shatilo and medical director of  acting cardiocentre Sergey Hokhlunov. The event was also visited by General Director of JSC "Volgatransstroy" V. Sonin.

Construction works are being held according to investment memorandum, made between the Government of Samara oblast and "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii".The amount of the Company’s investments in the project totals to RUB 3 bln. What is more, no funds of regional budget are planned; all construction works and equipage will be carried out at the expense of the investor.

"Cardiac Surgery Center", being a separate legal entity will carry out close mutually beneficial cooperation with existing Samara Regional Clinical Cardiology Hospital. Allocation of the new center near SRCCH  ( Aerodromnaya street, 43) will allow to use innovative medical technologies of the Centre and scientific and practical experience of  Cardiology Hospital, that will provide high-quality and efficient provision of medical services in the field of cardiac surgery in order to improve health and reduce the death rate in the Samara region and Russia in total. It is important to note that the center will provide cardiac and cardiac surgery medical care for patients under the program of compulsory health insurance.

At the moment the construction works are at full speed. The general contractor is the company CJC "Volgatransstroy-9." A considerable amount of work is already done: the erection of a ground, first and second floors is completed. At the present time the installation of concrete floor structures, columns, stairwells, elevator shafts of the third floor is being carried out. The construction of the third floor will be completed by the end of May and the construction of the fourth floor will start. The construction of inner building services systems is being performed in parallel. 

As the director of the company-investor Sergey Shatilo explained, the frame of the building will be completed by July 20 of this year, just after of the installation of interior partitions will start. " Is everything according to the schedule, any money problems there?" - Asked the Governor. Sergey Shatilo noted that, despite of the rather difficult economic situation in the country, works are being carried out according to the schedule and there are no problems with the appropriation of funds . "All the agreements that were reached  last January, remain in force. Construction work should be completed in December of 2015 ", - assured Sergey Shatilo.

The investor explained that the new cardiac surgery center will consist of diagnostic, surgical and intensive care units. The total area of the center is over 25 thousand sq. meters. According to him, installation of equipment will start in the beginning of the next year.

"The medical equipment that will work in the center, is unique and has no analogues in our country. We will use European technology. The center itself will be one of the best in Russia in terms of quality of equipment, and the volume of transactions made ", - assured the head of the region Sergey Shatilo. The investor also accented that the upswings of foreign exchange rates have no impact on the quality of the equipment for "Cardiac Surgery Center".

Nikolay Merkushin noted that the new Cardiac Center is social object, which is extremely important not only for the Samara region, but also for the entire country.

"It is expected that about 12 thousands of heart surgeries in a year will be carried out in the center, he will be able to serve other regions of the country. This is a very high-tech project, and we are interested in delivering it on time. In February of 2016 the first patients will come "- said the head of the region.

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