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June 23, 2017 Cooperation with all- Russian public organization "Red Cross"
“Sovremennye medicinskie technologii”, as a socially oriented business, for the second year has been supporting the regional branch of All-Russian public organization «Red Cross»,
providing nurses with modern blood pressure monitors and other medical supplies to help veterans and single people with serious illnesses.
June 16, 2017 Congratulations on the Day of Medical Worker!
The company "Sovremennye medicinskie technologii" and International Medical Center "Heart Clinic" congratulate with a professional holiday all those who chose human healthcare as meaning of their life!
June 13, 2017 Anna Makovsky took part in a round table conference for the personnel issues in medicine
In the press center of "Samara Newspaper" a round table was held, dedicated to the discussion of the issues of medical institutions staffing in the Samara region.
June 9, 2017 Actual diagnostic equipment is available to specialists of the largest city hospital in Togliatti
Actual diagnostic equipment is now available for the specialists of the largest city hospital in Togliatti -  high-accuracy ultrasound systems.
May 30, 2017 The meeting of the Governor Nikolai Merkushkina with Sergei Shatilo and Gleb Mikhailik
May 30, 2017 a working meeting was held between the Samara region governor Nikolai Merkushkin, the director of the company “Sovremennye medicinskie technologii” Sergei Shatilo, the initiator and investor of International Medical Center “Heart Clinic”, and Gleb Mikhailik - the general director of the clinic “AVA-PETER” (St. Petersburg) and the Russian-Finnish clinic “Scandinavia”.
All news


July 26, 2016

The modern system of Enterprise Content Management TEZIS will raise the efficiency of International Medical Center "Heart Clinic"

International Medical Center "Heart Clinic" have chosen the product of the Russian company Haulmont -  the system of Enterprise Content Management TEZIS to ensure the effective functioning of the future hospital.  The system will solve the problems of classical document management, help to monitor the performance of the staff, usage of the rooms and equipment of the clinic, as well as make easier the work of lawyers, technical services and human resources department.

In the clinic TEZIS was put into test operation in June of 2016 in extended edition for 175 simultaneous connections. The main advantage of the system has become its customizability, allowing ECM TEZIS not only to provide the classic workflow management, but also automate the unique processes within the organization. So, in the "Heart Clinic" paperless office management system will be provided by regular means - the processing of incoming and outgoing, studying, coordination and approval of the documents, the substitution of absent staff. However, above all this, the system will allow the future health facility to implement the unique processes of staff supervision to ensure a high quality of customer experience.  To achieve this a complex interaction of several modern information systems will be organized - ECM TEZIS, medical information system (MIS) and Access Control System (ACS).

As a result, there will be a consistent system that allows to control the stuff work schedule compliance, their access to the various hospital facilities, to notify employees of their assigned tasks in the system and get the key performance indicators of each employee. In "Heart Clinic” all this together will systematically allow to improve the quality of patient care. Information collected in ECM TEZIS from different systems (including the information about manpower loading), will allow management to control the full loading of specialists.

Anna Makovskaya, CEO of IMC "Heart Clinic": "We aim to get the maximum use of innovative technologies in our work. This software will help us to optimize business processes, speed up the time of setting goals and making decisions that, ultimately, will allow us to improve the quality of the clinic functioning as a whole".

ECM TEZIS is the product of the Russian company Haulmont, actively engaged in import substitution in the field of electronic document flow. Today the system is used by more than 300 companies throughout Russia, from St. Petersburg to Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. Among them there are the customers from the oil and gas industry, the manufacturing sector, shipping and aviation, banking and insurance industry, government sector, education, medicine and pharmacy. The users of TEZIS are such large Russian holdings as NK "Alliance", OAO "Rosgeologiya", Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, GK "Russian Platinum" and others.